KRISCHA  Formation Owner: Malou Wies Français  Deutsch  English

Our calendar

Offered courses:

Starting Oktober 2015 in Luxemburg-Grund
by "Luxembourg Accueil"

A1 Beginners (50 hours)
Thursday, from 09.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.

A2/B1 Advanced (50 hours)
Friday, from 09.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.

Charge of the course: 250,00 € per person (changes by the organizor reserved)


Day for subscribing
16.09.2015 starting at 09.00 a.m. 
at the Abbey of Neumünster, Luxemburg-Grund

or by using our formular Subscribe for the course (PDF) 

Starting January 2016 in Luxemburg-City or surroundings

by "Krischa Formation"

Conversation course / Preparation for acquiring the Luxembourgish Nationality by naturalization
Content: Audio dramas, describing images and Interviews
Duration: 20 hours (10 x 2 hours)

Persons who are interested are welcome to contact us, wether by mail or by using our subscribing formular  Subscribe for the course (PDF) (without liability).
The Details (Schedule, Costs and Vnue) will follow.



Subscribing for the courses:

Subscribe for the course (PDF)

or simply send a mail to:
with your completed personal data.

You need furthergoing Information?

Please feel free to contact us.
A reply will follow a.s.p..